There may be scenarios in which you need to transfer funds from your account directly to your customer, unrelated to a previous customer transaction. You can do this by invoking a Create Credit request, which credits your customer’s credit card for the amount you specify.
Bear in mind that a Create Credit request is not the same as a Refund. Refunds should be used in the case where you need to return a charged amount to the customer. A Credit request, in contrast, is not related to any previous customer transaction.
Let’s proceed to create a Credit. If you imported our Postman Collection, you can follow-along with the examples by invoking the requests in the Credit folder.
Using your customer's card details
If you already have your customer’s card details on file, then you can simply reuse the card information you have to credit your customer. If not, you will need to collect and tokenize your customer’s card details first.Step 1: Create the Payment
The first step is to invoke a Create Payment request, which represents the payment to your customer. Create the request like so:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '');
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
request.setRequestHeader('api-version', '1.3.0');
request.setRequestHeader('x-payments-os-env', 'test');
request.setRequestHeader('app-id', 'com.zooz.docapp');
request.setRequestHeader('private-key', 'bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae');
request.setRequestHeader('idempotency-key', 'cust-34532-trans-001356-p');
var body = {
'amount': 34800,
'currency': 'EUR',
'statement_soft_descriptor': 'Oil lamp'};
curl --compressed -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'api-version: 1.3.0' \
-H 'x-payments-os-env: test' \
-H 'app-id: com.zooz.docapp' \
-H 'private-key: bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae' \
-H 'idempotency-key: cust-34532-trans-001356-p' \
-d '{
"amount": 31602077,
"currency": "EUR",
"statement_soft_descriptor": "Oil lamp"
Payment Object
The Create Payment API creates a payment object. The payment object provides a single reference to all the transactions that make up a payment. For more information, see Understanding the Payment Object.Step 2: Invoke the Create Credit Request
The next step is to credit your customer using the Create Credit API.
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '{payment_id}/credits');
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
request.setRequestHeader('api-version', '1.3.0');
request.setRequestHeader('x-payments-os-env', 'test');
request.setRequestHeader('app-id', 'com.zooz.docapp');
request.setRequestHeader('private-key', 'bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae');
request.setRequestHeader('idempotency-key', 'cust-34532-trans-001356-a');
var body = {
'payment_method': {
'type': 'tokenized',
'token': '9640e09b-85d0-4509-a19c-90aa65eb386a',
'credit_card_cvv': '1231'},
'reconciliation_id': '23434534534'};
curl --compressed -X POST \{payment_id}/credits \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'api-version: 1.3.0' \
-H 'x-payments-os-env: test' \
-H 'app-id: com.zooz.docapp' \
-H 'private-key: bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae' \
-H 'idempotency-key: cust-34532-trans-001356-p' \
-d '{
"payment_method": {
"type": "tokenized",
"token": "9640e09b-85d0-4509-a19c-90aa65eb386a",
"credit_card_cvv": "1231"
"reconciliation_id": "23434534534"
Passing Full Credit Card Details
If you are SAQ D compliant, you can pass full credit card details without using our tokenization service. To do so, you must pass a payment methodtype
of untokenized
and a source_type
of credit_card
in the request body. For the complete body structure, see the Create Credit request in the Payments API reference.
Last modified January 4, 2022